Certificate Error / Unable to Update

A recent signing certificate error from Sectigo has caused some computers to not allow the starting or updating of Cephworx and/or Caseworx. If you have Microsoft UAC errors, Smartscreen errors, or otherwise cannot run the Updater when starting one of these programs, a screen similar to the following may appear:

To resolve the issue, one of the following will need to be performed to resume proper operation:

  • Manually forcing the Update (ignore the error)
  • Temporarily disable Smartscreen for Windows
  • Temporarily disable User Access Control (UAC) for Windows
  • Download the newest installer for the program and install over the existing files (your data will not be affected)
    • For Caseworx: download the newest installer from here: Caseworx Installer
    • For Cephworx: download the installer from your original “blue” license e-mail

Superimposing in Cephworx

To superimpose pre and post:

  • From the main screen, load the tracing session for POST
  • Once it’s loaded, change the “Active/Current Analysis” color on the left side from Full Color to red (this is your POST color)
  • Check the “Superimpose Session” at the bottom left, then click the Session Setup button
    • Choose your first superimposition tracing (we’ll use PRE for this one)
    • Change the “Layer Color” from Full Color to black (the PRE color)
    • Be sure “Full Scaling” is toggled on
    • Be sure “Grab Handles” is toggle off (these are the points you grab to adjust, but since we can’t adjust the superimp layers, this hides them)
    • Click “Load”
  • You should see both tracing layers loaded on top of each other
    • If you are adjusting the image, note that only the “Active/Current Analysis” can be adjusted – the other two are just visually superimposed. Normally, you wouldn’t adjust anything as each tracing has been previously completed
  • You can then directly Print/Export the superimposition by clicking on the printer or disk in the lower right
    • For Caseworx, you’ll want to use the Disk -> Export -> Export to File
    • Under the “Overlay Options” in the preview screen, be sure that the Superimposed Session item is checked. The settings should copy themselves in from the tracing automatically
      • Remember that “Superimposed Session” is the PREYou can also set the colors differently here should you need to. For IBO, Pre=Black, Red=Post, Green=Post+2

      • Be sure the “Show All Items” toggles are turned off – we only want the superimposer data from the script

      • Under the “Tracing Image Options”, select the “Tracing Only – All” button – this hides the radiograph in the backgroundSet the “Detail Level” dropdown to “Show Tracing Image Only” – this disables the landmark labeling for a cleaner tracingAdjust the “Drawing Line Bias” if you want to make the lines thicker/thinner

    • Under the “Data Table Options”, toggle the “Hide Values Table” to on – we only want the image and don’t need the data for superimposition

    • At the bottom left of the Preview screen, toggle the “Anonymize Identifiers” – this disables the nameplate to hide the patient & office names
  • This file is the two-way superimposition that’s ready to Import into Caseworx!